Wednesday, January 29, 2014


"Allowing to be who you really are is the best gift you can give yourself"

This morning when I woke up I had these words resonating loudly and clearly as if it was some sort of instruction for my day. 
The truth is that I have been feeling down for the past few days as I have worked on clearing and releasing what no longer serves a purpose in my life. It is a hard task to look inside yourself and find old patterns of thought and behavior that continue to block your growth. When you are "stuck" in fear, lack of self-love or self-confidence or even with a profoundly engraved "lack mentality"...How to move on?
This is exactly the place where I am right now. In reality, it is very easy for me to see what is that needs to be cleared and healed in every person that I encounter. I have a vision for you! The thing is that when it comes to me...I am very, very hard on myself. Ruthless to say the least.
The clue is "allowing". I don't allow myself to be me. Why? the environment, the worldly commitments, my unconscious beliefs...all of these are blocks that can be removed and will be removed. How?
I asked the Goddesses and this is the answer:
It seems that there are too many factors and no clear choices and you are feeling confused right now. You don't need to make a decision, instead give your mind a break and let it take a back seat where it belongs. Know that when it is time to make a decision, or you need clarity of mind that the way will be shown to you.
For now, concentrate on PURITY OF EXPRESSION.
The purity of your heart lights your path. All that is felt and experienced is the accurate mirror of what is harbored in the heart. Let your feelings and experience be of the highest quality of love. Celebrate the uniqueness of who you are. Dance through life, letting your passion light the way. Give yourself full permission to freely be who you are without limitation.
You are a fun, beautiful, creative woman, let every cell of your body be ignited with your uniqueness, and express it to the world.

This rings very true to letting the mind rest the only thing left is opening your heart to feelings and love and express those feelings without hesitation. Follow the path of the heart and do what ignites the FIRE within you. We are all connected but unique in our own ways and that's why it is important to allow your true self shine so that every aspect of God is expressed in the world.

Love and Light,


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Message for Sunday January 19th 2014

Dear everyone,
Today's message is very strong and resonates with my personal circumstances. I could not believe that my answer is right in front of my eyes and I really hope that you can find the comfort, insight and encouragement to step forward into your power and be who you really are.
We are told that sacrifice is necessary to achieve victory but in reality sacrifice when aligned with your own truth is not a sacrifice, it is effortless. Sometimes there are things that we need to do in order to achieve our is part of the journey but in reality, it is not necessary to suffer in any way and do something that you absolutely hate but that it is believed to eventually take you to the place where you "really" want to be. That is exactly it...a belief! A belief is not a reality.
Stepping into a place that does not align with your vibration will not take you forward in your journey but exactly the opposite.Because your talents will lie dormant and the flame of your passion will be almost extinguished.
There is an important reason why we delay our true purpose and that is insecurity. We believe that we are not ready, that we need more training, that we are not good enough...again, your belief is what stops you from trying. The answer is to change your belief.
Understand that you are very wise and that you have acquired important knowledge along the are competent, capable of moving forward with assurance. You have the capacity of discernment in regards to your partnerships and maintaining clear boundaries between you and another. When you know who you are and have a healthy sense of where you end and others begin you will attract people who mirror back your wholeness. Also, the things that no longer work for you will end. People that do not mirror back your wholeness will leave your life.
There is a sense that it is time to re-evaluate and change course if what you are doing it's not working. This is a perfect time to reassess your goals and values. Are your actions in alignment with what you believe in? Have you created a partnership that is not mutually beneficial? Separation, dissolution, and dispersion are all in focus now. The price you'll pay will not be worth the prize. Separation will actually bring good fortune because it will FREE you from the things that stop you from your true destiny.
You are riding a wave that perhaps is fun and safe but it's taking you nowhere...You can only coast for so long before you hit the shoreline with a smack!.There is a wonderful wave of opportunity coming in for you to ride. You are meant to learn how to be a strong swimmer now. So take this time of conscious preparation to connect with you and build the skills necessary to ride that big wave when time is right and the time is coming.
Believe that you are capable of anything!
Love and Light, Lourdes.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Guidance from the Fairies for Sunday January 5th, 2014


Card Meaning: Any feelings of danger or vulnerability are healing and they are replaced with the certain knowledge that you are safe and protected right now.

Happy Sunday everyone!
Today's message focuses on the feeling of safety that is so needed right now.
 If you have been frightened or insecure lately this message is for you. Heaven is aware of your feelings and has come to your aid. You are surrounded by heavenly beings who love and protect you on an ongoing basis.
The fairies remind you that your thoughts of danger are triggering your feelings of vulnerability. In your mind, you have given power to some outside entity. You believe that this "idol" that you have created has the power to hurt you. Yet, the only power it has, is that which you have attributed to it.
The fairies urge you to awaken from this mistaken concept. See that you have the power to create a happy and secure dream, and make the decision to feel safe.

Here is an affirmation to help you overcome this fear and feel safe and secure: I am safe. I am secure. I am completely protected at all times.

Last night I prayed for protection to all of us. There were many waves of Divine Love energy flowing and I visualized the whole planet surrounded by this energy. Many lightworkers are feeling vulnerable right now and the best way to raise your vibration is through the power of love and joy. :-)
Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Message for today Saturday January 4th, 2014

The energy today is about joyful activity, celebration of life and abundance.

"You are reminded of the laws of success and praise. Anything you place your attention on will manifest an experience, so the laws are always perfect. expect the best and praise it in advance. This unleashes the magic of mystical magnetic energy, drawing circumstances to you to create the reality you envision.
Give thanks in advance for the grace and goodwill of the Divine. Be willing to dance the victory dance as if your greatest dreams are realized, and watch how easily things begin to fall into place. Stay positive and leave the timing up to the Divine. All things are possible now.
Dance the joy of being, and celebrate your life and abundance today!."

I absolutely love this message from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of the Hidden Realms" oracle cards.The Sun symbolizes energy, life force, happiness...and the beautiful artwork shows what seems like an angelic being or a fairy dancing, celebrating and praising everything that we receive.
The last few messages that we have received lately are showing the importance of keeping our vibration high through the power of joy, how laughter is soo healing and how we need to focus on being truthful with is about celebrating with joy and appreciation and knowing that you can actually achieve what you desire. This card shows the connection with the Universe, Source, God, The Light... the energy that surround us at all times so today let's be happy, let's dance, let's celebrate.

With love and Light,

Friday, January 3, 2014

Message for Friday January 3rd, 2014


Archangel Raphael reminds us that worry and stress never help any situation, but laughter and prayer do have curative effects.
He is here to help you see there is humor within the human drama so that you can detach and lighten your heart. There is always big release felt after a good laugh.
Perhaps today is the perfect day to watch your favorite funny movie, or many of them.
Not long ago I watched a program about a Yoga that involves's name is Laughter Yoga. :-)
I was telling my husband all about it and laughed all the way...without realizing that we were in the middle of the street and that people probably thought that I was kind of :-)
Here is the link in case you want to learn more about it.
Have a fun day and laugh as much as possible.

Love and Light, Lourdes.

Illustration: Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle by Doreen Virtue

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Guidance for Thursday January 2nd, 2014

Good Morning everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful start of the New Year and that you feel the wonderful energy that 2014 brings.
Today's guidance points out the need to be authentic with ourselves. Many of us are setting goals and resolutions for the New Year but the truth is that there is no room to please others here. You are connected to your own truth and you will be guided to follow it.
"You are a sovereign Divine being with spiritual authority and freedom within you. You do not need permission from anyone to be who you are and live your life as you choose. This is your Divine birthright. Guard it as the precious treasure that it is and remember that you are a Divine being."

Within us we hold great dominion, spiritual authority and freedom to be the sovereign ruler of our own Self. It gives us complete and utter choice to become as spiritually awake, free and self-determined as we wish to be, as well as providing us with complete choice as to what our values and actions will be this lifetime.
There is not permission required from anyone, except from yourself to be and live your truth.
There are time when you must act on it, which means recognizing when others seek to influence you for their own reasons, or when you are being manipulated out of your own authority, becoming blind to your own power of choice and instead believing that things are the way that they are and you cannot question.
Sometimes to exert one's own spiritual authority requires that you stand your ground and remain true to your knowing. This means always telling yourself the truth, and not selling out or giving away something that has genuine spiritual truth and meaning for you. You do not have to challenge another in order to honor your truth and inner authority. If you feel that another has to agree with you in order for your authority to be intact, that is not inner authority at all.
Honor your spiritual sovereignty now and always! Love and Light. Lourdes

From: Alana Fairchild's Isis Oracle.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Overview for the New Year 2014

Happy New Year everyone!
This is the first message of 2014! This message is a quick overview of the New Year and so far looks very promising.
Firstly, we need to be patient. Whatever happens around you, in the world…be still. Choose to be peaceful in the present. The Universe has many options, more than you are aware of. Quiet your mind, broaden your perspective and let the options come through. Winter will be a time of stillness for many of us but the energy of the New Year is JOY. To find your desired outcome, follow the path of joy.
This year you are guided to reconnect with the passion that you feel when you are thinking about or working on your life’s purpose. The joy that comes from your relationships, your hobbies...give you extra energy. Joy has the highest vibration and has the power to remove all obstacles and attract all of your needs.
2014’s energy is sweet, fresh and refreshing, encouraging us to take up a new hobby or take a fresh approach to an existing one. There will be a Shifting towards indulgence and enjoyment of the sweetness of life. For the New Year be very selective with your immediate environment and carefully select activities and friendships that match your vibration. It is very important that you clear and shield your energy on a regular basis so that you can maintain your vibration as high as possible.
You can ask Ascended Master El Morya and Archangel Michael to clear yourself. They can clear and elevate the energies in other people, your home or your office. After clearing yourself you can ask them to shield you from further intrusions. You need to shield yourself daily and/ or wear a crystal pendant to act as a buffer in harsh energy situations.
2014 is a year of Taking charge, of assuming a leadership position. Decide what you want and go for it! There will be many instances and situations to celebrate, family has a central role and there are many happy times ahead with celebrations and trips. If you are thinking about having children, this is a confirmation that it will happen. Interestingly enough the male and female energies are well balanced and the roles are not as rigid. Mothers are more fatherly and fathers more motherly. This is part of the shift for 2014.
Wishing you love and happiness! Lourdes.